NPersistence Reference Guide
Assembly: NPersistence (in NPersistence.dll) Version: (
Determine the list of persistence providers available in the
runtime environment.
Namespace: NPersistence.spiImplementations must be thread-safe.
Note that the getPersistenceProviders method can potentially be called many times: it is recommended that the implementation of this method make use of caching.
Assembly: NPersistence (in NPersistence.dll) Version: (
C# |
public interface PersistenceProviderResolver
All Members | Methods |
Public Protected | Instance Static | Declared Inherited | XNA Framework Only .NET Compact Framework Only |
Member | Description | |
ClearCachedProviders()()()() | Clear cache of providers.
| |
GetPersistenceProviders()()()() | Returns a list of the PersistenceProvider implementations
available in the runtime environment.