NPersistence Reference Guide
Assembly: NPersistence (in NPersistence.dll) Version: (
Interface used to interact with the second-level cache.
If a cache is not in use, the methods of this interface have
no effect, except for contains, which returns false.
Namespace: NPersistenceAssembly: NPersistence (in NPersistence.dll) Version: (
C# |
public interface Cache
All Members | Methods |
Public Protected | Instance Static | Declared Inherited | XNA Framework Only .NET Compact Framework Only |
Member | Description | |
Contains(Type, Object) | Whether the cache contains data for the given entity.
entity class primary key Return Valueboolean indicating whether the entity is in the cache | |
Evict(Type) | Remove the data for entities of the specified class (and its
subclasses) from the cache.
entity class | |
Evict(Type, Object) | Remove the data for the given entity from the cache.
entity class primary key | |
EvictAll()()()() | Clear the cache.